
Sarah Palin Derp of the Day

Mad Prophet Ludwig5/04/2011 4:09:32 pm PDT

re: #415 Obdicut

I do, though. Why do you think I don’t?

But I could say the exact same thing as her— that the mosques should remain “until Moshiach decides what to do with them”, and you would reject it from me. Why?

Well mostly because as an avowed atheist, you don’t believe in Moshiach and for you to say such a thing would be insulting.

Also, she is not unaware of the nationalist argument. She believes the religious argument supersedes the nationalist argument.

Both the religious and nationalist argument recognize the rights of Jews to Jewish things.

You see a Jewish spot as something for all worshipers. No Obdi. It is Jewish as the Vatican is Catholic or Mecca is Muslim, but only we are asked to pretend it is not - and only ham bagels don’t see any problem with that.