
The Lessons of the Gosnell Case: Exactly the Opposite of the Right Wing Spin

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)4/15/2013 11:52:35 am PDT

re: #34 Destro

If Americans practiced birth control and were educated in safe sex starting in school we would have less need of abortions. Sadly, the people against abortions also tend to be against sex education and contraception.

That’s the frustrating thing. You propose that to the anti-abortion people and they get even more pissy in their refusal to budge. There’s no self awareness with these people. Abstience only education is such a joke. It’s basically telling kids “Hey don’t do what our generation and the generation before that did and we’re going to keep you in the dark about sex because sex is evil.” The RCC and other churches who oppose birth control are the worst offenders of this one.