
Party of Fiscal Responsibility Watch: The GOP's Phony Benghazi Probes Have Cost Millions

Dark_Falcon3/26/2014 12:01:22 pm PDT

re: #36 GeneJockey

The other point, which requires less cynicism, is that most of them had voted to authorize it.

In the end, I’m not convinced the intel WAS intentionally manipulated. I think it was a combination of confirmation bias and groupthink, as well as Saddam wanting everyone to believe he still had that shit so that people wouldn’t know just how weak he STILL was a decade after the Gulf War.

What galls me is that none of the folks who ridiculed Hans Blix for not being able to find any WMDs ever said, “You know, I was wrong, and Blix was right.”

Blix was and still is associated with weakness, and “Eurosocialist weakness” at that. Even I can’t make an admission like that because the very idea feels like I’d be cutting my balls off.