
Election 2014, the Wrap-Up

Ace-o-aces11/05/2014 9:34:22 am PST

re: #7 Aunty Entity Dragon

The problem is, people actually like the ACA, they hate “Obamacare”. No pre-existing condition exclusions? People like it. Staying on your parent plan until 26? People love it. Medicare expansion? People like it.

What people don’t like is this phantom version of the law called “Obamacare”, where the federal government uses healthcare to install a communist/Muslim dictatorship under George Soros, or whatever it is that exists in the fevered imaginations of RWNJs

That’s why Mitch McConell talks about how he wants to end “Obamacare”, while supporting Kentucky’s exchange, created under the ACA. Because people like what the law does, but they hate what they think it does, but doesn’t