
Breaking: Yet Another Mass Shooting, in Florida This Time

lawhawk2/14/2018 1:04:38 pm PST

Another goddamned mass shooting in/near a school. We are the only nation on the planet where this happens with any kind of regularity.


Fuck the NRA and fuck the GOP for going along with this suicide pact to read “a well regulated militia” out of the Second Amendment.

The NRA/GOP refuse to lift a finger to stop the carnage, and GOP/Trump don’t care to act unless there’s a minority, illegal alien, or a Muslim terrorist involved.

Note the silence from Trump whenever there’s a mass shooting that doesn’t involve any of the above, and then note how quickly he moves to respond when one of those are involved.

It’s like fucking clockwork. That’s how predictable Trump is.

The only thing more predictable than Trump is the fact that we have mass shootings like clockwork.

The GOP offers up thoughts and prayers. That’s meaningless. Act. They’re in a position to act. Their thoughts and prayers are a sign they don’t care and wont act.