
Seth Meyers: Federal Investigators Are Considering Sedition Charges for the Coup Attempt, and Examining Trump's Role

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷3/22/2021 8:41:44 pm PDT

Polish writer Jakub Zulczyk charged for calling President Duda a ‘moron’ (BBC)

Conservatives will seek to limit free speech, no matter which country they rule.

A popular Polish writer and journalist could face up to three years in prison for calling President Andrzej Duda a “moron” in a Facebook post in November.

Jakub Zulczyk accused Mr Duda of failing to understand the US electoral process in a tweet to Joe Biden.

Mr Duda’s tweet stopped short of recognising his victory, pending Electoral College confirmation, but hailed his “successful campaign”.

Poland has made it a crime to insult state leaders and religion.

Following US media reports of a presidential victory for Mr Biden on 7 November, President Duda tweeted: “Congratulations to Joe Biden for a successful presidential campaign.

“As we await the nomination by the Electoral College, Poland is determined to upkeep high-level and high-quality PL-US strategic partnership for an even stronger alliance.”

Referring to the tweet in a Facebook post, Mr Zulczyk wrote that he had studied US politics with a keen interest, and that he had “never heard of such a thing as Electoral College nomination”.

“Joe Biden is the 46th president of the USA,” he wrote, adding: “Andrzej Duda is a moron.”
