
Trevor Noah Interviews Samantha Power on the Ukraine Invasion & the World's Response to Condemn Russia [VIDEO]

Shropshire Slasher3/01/2022 11:36:06 am PST

Reported earlier, but LOL

It turns out that the command of the Russian Navy planned a large amphibious landing and they were going to moor to the Luzanovsky beach mined and blocked by anti-tank hedgehogs, after having previously worked out the surroundings from multiple rocket launchers. At the same time, enemy helicopters and a large number of UAVs were flying in the bay.

The Ukrainian Anti-aircraft warfare and other defenders of Odessa were preparing to give a decisive rebuff to the enemy, but at the very last moment, the Russians got in touch and asked to be allowed to leave the bay.

It looks like that a rebellion took place on the ships of the Russian Navy: the young conscripts refused to obey the order and to attack the coast of a million-plus city. They might have been horrified at the perspective of ​​such a crazy operation, because they were frightened by Ukrainian marines, most of whom spent five years or more in the war. It must be said that the Ukrainian naval defences acted very merciful, not shooting at the leaving landing squad.