
Some More News: Why Spotify Is Bad for Music [VIDEO]

darthstar3/06/2022 5:41:51 pm PST

re: #35 Ming5000

If UA can stop the Russians, I suppose next will be an offense….. A whole new game and tougher.

Domestic offense. Destroy any remaining threats within their borders. Cause mass surrender and send Russians back across the border with a couple days’ food and water rations, no weapons, and leave it at that.

Do not cross into Russia or bomb Russian targets. If Putin is taken out, whoever replaces him will stand down their assault and be lauded as a national hero. Then negotiate a permanent cease fire that includes the withdrawal of troops from Crimea and other areas. Separatists who want to remain separate are free to leave the country.

In a year, bridges will have been repaired, buildings reconstructed, and a whole new Ukrainian economy will be in its infancy. And there will be lots of cheap labor from Russia coming down to help rebuild.