
Kepler: Searching for Another Earth

Mostly sane, most of the time.3/07/2009 11:49:01 am PST

re: #25 zombie

The funny thing is, most people are far more familiar with science fiction than with actual science. So I’d bet if you ask the average American, they’d think that we’ve already seen any number of other planets with ecosystems on them. After all, we as a culture have been watching Star Trek and the Alien series and countless TV shows and movies and video games and books and more which all are based on the concept of there being other habitable planets in the Universe.

I’ll bet most people don’t realize that we are way more likely to discover the kind of life that grows unwanted in the back of your fridge than the kind of life that wears metal bikinis on the cover of a sci-fi book.

/Suppose that would cut the funding?