
Sotomayor on Tape

JustABill5/29/2009 1:11:14 pm PDT

Of course tests can be skewed to produce the racially “desired” results. I seem to recall a psychologist making an “IQ” test such that the African-American students scored way better than the other races.

That being said, one would assume that there is a set of knowledge/skills that the job to which these officers are testing for will require. A test to determine who has those skills should be created, then the applicants tested and let the chips fall where they may…

Of course, I would prefer that the officers who initiated the suit simply quit and found jobs in an area where such nonsense doesn’t happen, rather than file a law suite.

I am of the opinion that most/all discriminatory actions hurt both the party subject to the discrimination as well as the party making the decision. In this case, the city will end up with a less qualified police force…