
Are You Ready for the Mini-Schwein?

42 5:50:54 am PDT

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evemartin666: Iranian commentators and journos (stuck in Tehran hotels) said significant fractures now appearing in Iran’s governing body #Iranelection

SASLoulou: RT About 3000 or 4000 people are in Enqelab square now. Police is there. No Khatami, no Karroubi, no Mousavi #iranelection

kara_h: RT The rally has started, do not believe those who tell you go home. Make history, march for freedom. #iranelection #gr88
Sat Jun 20 - 7:48:06 am

alexfr75: 4:55 protesters are appealing to the police to join them! #tehran #iranelection #gr88

mirOmid: Very large crowds now in Enghelab Sq. and growing by the minute. #Iranelection #gr88