
Top Evangelist Preacher Convicted of Pedophilia

dwells387/25/2009 11:19:26 am PDT

The whole evangalism thing is such a racket. They stand in front of their followers and moralize knowingly misleading them as they know they aren’t channels for God or anything other than their own ambitions and greed. They all peddle the crap about tithing 10% (to them of course) so God will hear your prayers while all they do is spend the money on fancy clothes, cars and houses and or plow it back into their cash cow business for more of the same.

It’s the same thing as with the AGW crowd. If they really believed what they tell others they would be giving all that money away and living very modestly. Just like if AlGore believed his own AGW BS he would be living like the Amish and not like the Rich and Famous.