
Video: Japanese Pig Rodeo

Cannadian Club Akbar8/17/2009 6:37:09 pm PDT

re: #38 HoosierHoops

Monday Night Football…Car Vs.NYG
Half time report…I’m going on the record right now…The defense of the Giants are not only…Really big guys…They are faster than f*ck…I am stunned folks…6 weeks from now and everybody can’t beleive how good NY is..Remember this…They are big and faster than hell…jeez..
The speed on the offensive side is amazing…The Giant backfield is fast and punishing…But crap the line is big and really fast..It’s early in the season…But so far…Don’t bet against the Giants…Just let it ride for a month or so. They are really athletic…

And turn overs by a group of Carolina guys who will be Wal-Mart greeters next week helps:)