
Overnight Open Thread

ausador12/23/2009 1:08:08 am PST

re: #35 Mark Winter

I think last week several people tried to tell me that CO2 causing AGW would run against the Second Law of Thermodynamics.

It’s really bad when they are not online doing that and can’t use Wikipedia to find out what this damn law actually is about.

Sure why not? They try to use it as an argument against evolution all the time, any time you hear the “information” stuff. According to them mutations causing more advanced forms of life violates the second law because “in a closed system” everything winds down due to entropy. So more complex genomes/DNA cannot happen, hence the “you can’t have more information in newer species than older species bullshit.”

Of course there is one ‘glaring’ flaw in their argument, the Earth is not a closed system, the majority of this planets energy comes from this big bright thing in the sky we just discovered. I think they are calling it the “Sun,” or something like that anyway.
