
Is Syria Supplying Hezbollah with Scud Missiles?

What, me worry?4/21/2010 10:39:20 am PDT

re: #20 Charles

Get a load of this statement by Feinstein, though:


There are reasons to support two states, but does Feinstein actually believe that Hezbollah and Syria would just pack up the Scud missiles and put them in storage if the Palestinians had a state?

Good grief. That’s the kind of reality-denial that keeps this conflict going. It’s not about “two states,” and it never has been.

I don’t understand what a 2 state solution means anymore. Hamas has Gaza. Is that not their state? There are no Jews there now. So what is it? Fatah is in East Jerusalem. They don’t have a state, but communities speckled throughout. So what does it mean, 3 state? Or they gonna put Hamas and Fatah together? (not a bad idea, they can kill each other and do us all a favor). We can leave Jordan or Egypt out of this at this point because that’s a lost cause.

There has to be a state for “them” whomever “they” are (Hamas? Fatah?). It really is the only solution. The trouble is that it’s a non-solution because they’ll have none of it. So I’m confused.

Bibi isn’t going to let anyone launch scud missiles into Israel without major retribution.