
Imagine if the Tea Party Was Black

sagehen4/28/2010 10:36:27 am PDT

re: #30 robdouth

“Imagine they’re all armed with AK47s and assorted handguns”

Yeah no shit they would then be considered a hazard to the republic, and they’d also be arrested because DC has strict gun laws. If Tea-partiers were doing the same, or if they are (I haven’t seen them with assault weapons) I would hope they would be arrested also. Given the vast majority are not doing that though, this becomes a moot point and a little over the top.

There was a gun rights rally just across the river, on the Virginia side of the line but within sight of the Capitol. Overweight, out-of-shape people could run into DC from where they were in under 10 minutes. It was intended as a show of force — the organizers said so, ahead of time, in their promo material.