
Franklin Graham on Donald Trump: 'Maybe This Guy's Right'

Killgore Trout4/22/2011 3:43:57 pm PDT

It’s looking like Drudge’s attempt at race baiting might fail. He gross video he’s using to incite racial animosity may have been a case of a crossdressing man in the woman’s bathroom.
McDonald’s Employee Took Credit For Filming Brutal Beating In Baltimore Fast Food Joint

As seen above, in a Facebook posting, Hackett has contended that the woman seen getting beaten in the video was actually a male cross-dresser who got into a confrontation with female patrons when he refused to leave the women’s bathroom at the Baltimore eatery.

He also claims the seizure was fake so I think we can take his claims with a grain of salt.
Btw, the video is very disturbing. I wish I hadn’t watched it.