
Southern Poverty Law Center Intel Report: Jihad Against Islam

What, me worry?6/23/2011 10:23:34 am PDT

re: #34 CuriousLurker

WRT the Arab countries, now that you point it out I realize that the Palestinian diaspora seems to do quite well in other places except for those. Hmmm…odd. Maybe they’re aware they’re being used and…I’ll have to ponder that some more.

Oh gosh, culture. The food, it’s to die for! Heh and, yeah, the Lebanese tend to be quite an attractive bunch.

I’m sorry to hear friendships were broken over politics, but you were right to push back against bigotry. Their loss.

We’ve never met in person, but I hope we will one day when you’re up this way, so can we make a deal? We’ll try to talk about the difficult stuff when we feel we can, but if either one of us feels like…not good about it at any given time, then we’ll just drop it in the interests of actually having a chance to talk face to face & heart to heart?

I don’t know about you, but once I’ve seen the light of human life in another person’s eyes—the same light, from the same source that illuminates my eyes—it…what? This life, this existence is a veil that separates us…Oh, never mind. Now I’m going off on a mystical sufi poetry train of thought and people are gonna think I’m a complete nutter. LOL

Well there’s good nutty and bad nutty :)

Sorry I didn’t respond earlier, but I also don’t always have the heart for this stuff. I wanted to say that if we ever did meet (and I’d love it) we’d probably never get to those meaty topics and just gossip about all the lizards :p And if we did, I’m guessing it wouldn’t be as difficult as I imagine.