
Pamela Geller's Anti-Muslim Circus in Full Nuclear Meltdown

What, me worry?7/01/2011 12:30:10 pm PDT

re: #17 WindUpBird

she’s only doing what most conservative pundits do, she’s no more crazy than Neil Boortz is, than Malkin, than Coulter, than Prager, they’re all the same scum with slightly different candy coatings to manipulate different demographics

she just sounds more nutty and stupid because her writing is poor, she’s more embarrassing and obvious about her rhetoric, doesn’t do bigotry on the sly like Prager does, for instance

I’m not willing to blow her off so completely.

I agree that she and Malkin are in the same boat, but I also see Malkin as another screaming racist who tried to justify rounding up Muslims and putting them in camps. Coulter’s books (although awful) are political, but I don’t believe racist.

Geller is being eaten by her own ego. She knows everyone in the world has been calling her a racist. She admits it in that little diatribe, but does she say, “I’m sorry” or “I was wrong”? No, she continues to defend the racists.

She thinks the EDL was “hijacked”. She doesn’t see the inherent problem in it.

She’ll end up in another anti-Muslim, pro-white/Euro group and see the exact same thing. Maybe one THAT day, she’ll get down on her knees and beg forgiveness, but this is not that day.