Comment vs. National Review

Kragar12/15/2011 12:29:59 pm PST

Apparently, the Devil works through Obama and the UN:

Janet Parshall: Sometimes it’s imperative to be Nehemiah, a watchman on the wall, and Craig you and I see this stuff, we’re in the shadow of that Capitol dome, and I have to tell you, honestly, I just think to myself, ‘Father, in your sovereignty and in your perfect will, you called us for such a time as this.’ All that stuff you just said, God hasn’t given us a spirit of fear but a power and love and of a sound mind, and our message must be so powerful, so transformative that the Father of Lies does everything he can, works through a UN resolution or funding from the United States to try to silence the proclamation of the gospel. If anything, this should make us all the more committed to the power, the truth and the absolute transforming nature of the gospel of Jesus Christ.