
Quote of the Day: Rick Santorum's Latest Anti-Science Howler

Gus3/12/2012 6:07:10 pm PDT


08 31 15 LMP There’s that mother.
03 08 31 19 CC Aquarius, Houston. Say again.
03 08 31 20 CDR All right. C02. Our (C02 value is getting high.
We had a DPS ECS light and a blinking component
03 08 31 37 CC Okay. Copy.
03 08 32 14 CC Stand by on that PTC 02 .
03 08 32 20 CDR Say again, Houston.
03 08 32 41 CDR Hello, Houston. How do you read? Over.
03 08 32 43 CC Okay. Read you loud and clear now, Jim.
03 08 32 48 CDR Okay. Did you hear what I just said about the
ECS light arid the blinking C02 component light?
03 08 32 54 CC Okay. We got that and - Stand by 1.
03 08 33 01 CDR Okay.
03 08 33 17 LMP Not much.
03 08 33 34 CDR Jack, we might have to have you rig up this CO2
rig they’re talking about.
03 08 33 42 CC Go ahead. Houston. Over.
03 08 33 43 CMP 0h! We ‘ye got a long ways to go.
03 08 33 47 CDR Go ahead.
03 08 33 49 CC Okay, Jim…