
Creepy Thursday Night Jam: Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds, "Red Right Hand"

b.d.9/19/2014 7:37:57 am PDT

If you needed another reason not to drink Pabst Blue Ribbon besides all of the obvious stuff:

A Russian brewer is taking over American icon Pabst Blue Ribbon.

Oasis Beverages, which is based in Russia, said on Friday it’s signed a deal to acquire Pabst Brewing Company, which is headquartered in Los Angeles.

Pabst traces its roots to 1844 and owns a number of well-known American beer brands, including Pabst Blue Ribbon, Old Milwaukee, Schlitz and the malt liquor Colt 45. It recently resurrected one of the most popular beers of the mid twentieth century, Ballantine India Pale Ale.

Putin Blue Ribbon