
Friday Afternoon Music: Reign of Kindo, 'Nice to Meet You'

ryannon3/26/2010 6:11:55 pm PDT

re: #412 Cato the Elder

I like all dogs. I even like the little yappy ones actresses carry around in their shamefully overpriced Louis Vuitton bags.

Haku has literally (in the literal sense) saved my life more times than I can count.

Of course, the yappers over at Deuce have figured out that I’m neither physically impaired, nor blind, nor deaf. So they make jokes about me being a fake handicapped welfare scrounger.

There are medical service dogs these days for everything from epilepsy to trollophobia. I’ll continue to leave it to them to speculate about Haku.

He knows twelve languages and helps you out when you get stuck on a translation?