
Bloomberg on Anti-Mosque Movement: 'Unfair and Un-American'

garhighway8/24/2010 8:26:52 pm PDT

re: #317 JamesWI

He says “beholden to no party or person” and “cannot be touched by partisan considerations” like they are bad things … Of course, when you’re talking about defending the GROUND-ZERO MEGA VICTORY CONQUEST MOSQUE, maybe they are./

NYC politics are a little unique. You can’t get the D nomination for mayor without having to sell your soul to the entrenched interest groups, so the municipal unions own you and you have to do financially irresponsible things. But the Ds have something like a 60/40 structural advantage. The Rs generally have weak candidates (Rudi was an exception, and came along at a perfect time) and when Bloomberg comes along and says “I’ll pay my own way if you let me use your line on the ballot” they are happy to let him. He’s a smart guy, owes nothing to anyone so he can run the city right, and he’s really a classic NYC liberal.

I wasn’t happy about him busting the term limits pledge, but there is no one on the scene I’d rather have as a mayor. All the rest are conventional politicians with IOUs all over the landscape.

As far as I am concerned, he can have the job for life.