
Onion: Radical Social Security Reform Measures Proposed

Gus7/28/2011 9:33:47 pm PDT

re: #410 Spocomptonite

When I say “cut military spending”, I don’t mean arbitrarily gut it 10-25% overnight. I don’t want the troops we do have to suddenly lose all their equipment. But if we curtail enlistment, over time we can spend the same or more per soldier than we do now, but just have less of them. And no soldier goes into Iraq with shoddy/no body armor, so really its a win-win.

Nah. You know the drill. If you say cut the military it means cut if overnight and that you hate everyone in a uniform. Cut it so deep that even Honduras has a stronger military while we open up a Department of Peace. Then, spread around your Tranzi Prog!!11ty ideology upon all Americans while taking away their guns and Bibles and making their kids learn about gays in history class.
