
Free Republic Reacts to Ron Paul's White Supremacist Links

lawhawk2/03/2012 7:20:54 am PST

re: #397 Killgore Trout

Truth of the matter:

Komen changes its policy, claiming that it will no longer fund entities that are under investigation.

That change came after a known anti-abortion activist joined Komen in a key leadership role.

Komen announces end of funding to PP affiliates over an ongoing Congressional investigation.

That Congressional investigation is being conducted by a member of Congress whose anti-abortion views are known, and who was doing the investigation at the behest, and on behalf, of other anti-abortion groups.

PP loses $600k+ in Komen funding and cries foul; massive fundraising ensues to make up shortfall.

Komen plays defensive (late at that) claiming that the decision wasn’t politically motivated or motivated by anti-abortion views, but insiders claim a different story - that this was motivated by the new hire (Handel).

That you’re now seeing other Komen affiliates rebelling against the directive suggests that they see politics in the matter and it undermines their ability to raise funds to … you know… fight breast cancer.

No matter how you look at this, this whole mess undermines that core mission. Komen has made such a mess of this situation that they can’t be trusted on their statements and they will be sure to alienate a significant portion of potential donors no matter what decision they take now (keep the PP funding frozen out, restore it, or some combination of the above). It’s a permanent blight on their ability to remain credible.