
John Derbyshire Is Just a Little Too Openly Racist for NRO

Talking Point Detective4/08/2012 8:35:17 am PDT

re: #356 Johnny Derp

So you think Rachel Maddow (among others) is pretty useless? Because that’s one of the points. (Of course, KT probably had yet another point here, as pertains to LGF, but let’s leave it aside for a moment.)

I don’t see Maddow, PBS, NPR as being anywhere near as exploitative as Fox News, Hannity, O’Reilly, CNN, the network news, etc. Obviously, that opinion could be influenced by my ideology - but I think I could make a pretty strong case that the first group I mentioned does a much better quality of investigative reporting. And the left of the ilk such as Maddow don’t have nearly as much to gain from exploiting tribalism - because the audience on the left for vapid reporting just isn’t as vast.

Having an orientation in your reporting and exploiting tribalism are not necessarily the same thing.