
Some More News: Why Spotify Is Bad for Music [VIDEO]

Jay C3/07/2022 10:38:28 am PST

re: #404 (((Archangel1)))

Putin actually released a list of countries that are mean to his poor little feelings. And included San Marino, Liechtenstein and Monaco, countries whose combined populations you seat in Michigan Stadium with ample room to spare.

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Yeah, it sounds silly, but those mini-countries are likely to be major tax havens: I’m sure that, despite their low population, if you factor in “hidden-foreign-assets-per-capita” they’re richer than Croesus….

I’ve actually been to San Marino: many years ago, I rented a car and drove there from Ravenna: it’s a weird place: a typical Italian “hill town” built on top of a serious mountain, As I recall, its main industry seemed to be philately: all the stores on the main piazza featured postcards pre-posted with large numbers of brightly colored, low-valued stamps: with almost no space left on the back for addresses or messages.