
The Creationist in Charge of Texas Education

The Shadow Do3/09/2009 6:09:18 pm PDT

re: #414 Spare O’Lake

Smug, self-certain arrogance is the worst enemy of science and truth.
Major religions teach humility and a recognition that the little which man knows is far outweighed by what he does not.

Not a scholar on religion, but I wonder which major religion/sect does not, in detail, attempt to define man’s place on earth within a set of dictums set in place by the teachings of other men? This is certainly an attempt to explain the unknowable. Buddhism (an expression of complete humility?) seems to me the natural outcome of being an agnostic and not so much a religion.

Is humility a virtue or an excuse, I wonder. All I know is that I do not know and as I grow older and older the more certain I become that I will never know.