
Overnight Open Thread

bbuddha9/05/2009 7:49:50 am PDT

re: #416 lawhawk

Housing isn’t a war crime. And if the Palestinians were serious about peace, the construction of communities wouldn’t be an issue since you can always sell/transfer housing from one group to another. It happened before - Gaza and Sinai. In the former case, the Gazans turned the Israeli communities into terror training camps and rocket and mortar launching facilities. In the latter, Egypt made a peace deal with Israel - one that has meant no open war between the two countries for 30 years (since 1979). The Egyptians could do more to crack down on the smugglers allowing Hamas to rearm in Gaza, but they have done a fairly good job of keeping the peace. That’s what you get when you have a regime interested in peace.

The Palestinians show absolutely no signs of intending peace with Israel, and until they do, all the talk about settlements is window dressing and obscures the real obstacles to peace - the Palestinian terror regime that runs the show.

Absolutely. If you follow what has been going on you realize that palis don’t want peace they want Israel to go away. They have been pretty open about that.