
Another GOP Creationist with Presidential Hopes

Right Brain9/29/2009 3:31:25 pm PDT

re: #307 Salamantis

You obviously don’t know the difference between memetic evolution and genetic evolution.

Genes are physical characteristics that exercise configurational control and evolve within a species by means of mutation and natural selection; they are replicated through sexual reproduction between members of that species, and are naturally selected for by the differential rates of survival to reproduction of those who possess them (and the configurations of which they are templates) vs. those who don’t, or possess different ones.

Memes, on the other hand, are mental/cognitive characteristics that exercise behavioral control, mutate within the minds of their holders, and multiply by being passed between them via communication or imitation. They are replicated by being spread from intentionally or inadvertently teaching carriers to learning recipients, who either intentionally or inadvertently select to accept or reject them, by means of communicative behaviors, such as showing, telling or writing. They evolve by means of the differential selection rates of some memetic variants vs. others

Egads, one would have to eject the entire project of evolutionary psychology to accept this silly partition of configuration vs. communication. Yes, nature vs. nurture. Nice new package, same old, same old.

Here’s one for you, its the sentence that ended the enlightenment, from the Critique of Pure Reason (such as your attempt), said by Immanuel Kant:

“Everything perceived is located in space.”

Meme or configured?