
And Now, the Blame Game

Oh no...Sand People!1/20/2010 10:30:44 am PST

re: #418 garhighway

One way you “defend the American people” is to demonstrate that “the American people” live up to their own values. That they don’t only abide by them when doing so is handy or painless or cheap.

I don’t understand why people don’t trust the people of NYC (as jurors) to do the right thing. Are they somehow lacking in a sense of justice? Do we think they will be too timid to do justice? Or too stupid? I don’t get that. Of all Americans, New Yorkers get what is at stake. They live with it every day. I go by the WTC site 5 days a week. I would be happy to serve on that jury. It would be a hardship I would manage.

I trust our criminal justice system. I think it is the best in the world. If you conspire to kill Americans, and we catch you, we should try you in a court of law. We did it with the first batch of NYC bombers and it worked out just fine. To me, “defending the American people” includes enhancing our nation’s stature throughout the world by showing that we mean all the stuff we say about being a nation of laws, not of men.

If we weren’t at war, I might agree with you.