
Video: Interviews with the Beck Fans

Mad Prophet Ludwig8/30/2010 10:10:15 pm PDT

re: #386 Mr Pancakes

The loud mouth Michael Savage said today on his radio show that anyone paying less than $1000 dollars per year in taxes should not have the right to vote… Maybe you’re kindred spirits from a different angle.

NO not at all. Micheal savage wants to discriminate against race and wealth.

I do not want to discriminate against anything but stupidity and ignorance.

Consider a culture where women are routinely oppressed in egregious ways. If you give women like that, who have never known anything else the right to vote, they will elect mullahs with the democratic sanction to abuse them.

This is just the way it works. Democracy is something that requires a certain level of cultural development to function properly. It is a magnificent end, but not a magic bullet. It has flaws.

In order to exercise a meaningful vote, one must be capable of making meaningful decisions. That means one must be used to thinking things through on one’s own.

Now the fact of the matter is that Hitler was elected. The fact of the matter is that so was Hamas. The fact of the matter is that we are seeing the American equivalent of this gaining in popularity and using our very system to do so.

Perhaps it is naive of me, but I believe that an educated society, with equal mobility for all, is more insulated against such crap.

I was asked a simple question, would I be OK with an educational requirement. I said yes. I stand by that. Voting is serious business. It should not be done by the ignorant - and it can not have, does not have and has never had good results when the ignorant are fired up.