
CPAC 2011, Day 2

Ziggy_TARDIS2/11/2011 2:46:07 pm PST

Hey everyone. I was thrilled when I heard Mubarak fell between classes. Anyway, I was hearing that the next three to watch are Algeria, Yemen, and Jordan. Of them, Yemen and Algeria have had a miserable history since independence.

Part of Yemen was occupied by Egypt during the North Yemen Civil War in the 1960’s, with the conflict overall killing somewhere between 100k-150k. When North and South Yemen unified in the 90’s another war broke out, killing a further 7,000 to 10,000. As of right now, there are three civil conflicts racking that nation, having killed at least 6,300 people.

Algeria’s history is about as miserable. Their war of independence from France killed 1 million people. Then, in mid-90’s another war started as a response to the nullification of a election Islamists won. That Civil War killed 150k-200k people. Since the war’s end in 2002, their has been an insurgency which has killed thousands more.