
The NRA Publishes Its Enemies List

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus1/28/2013 10:27:42 pm PST

re: #415 ProBosniaLiberal

Note that the British Isles have been quite the mixing ground ever since the days of the Heidelberg man, and that was a very long time ago.

“Celts” btw are just another variant of the Gauls, which is an umbrella term for the mix of central European tribes that stretched all the way to Turkey (the “Galatia” of the NT fame) from Scotland. Humans are highly mobile and there was a lot of mixing and movement.

The proto-Vikings in the north, the Germanic tribes and the larger Celtic groups all grew and mixed together to form what is today most of the Western and Northern Europeans. Isolated pockets of people from older times (pre Roman) exist, mostly in Iberia and the rest of the Mediterranean. The arctic circle peoples are from a different branch of humanity with ancestry common to NE Asians and Native Americans. The Eastern Mediterranean is such a mix of post Bronze-age nations that everyone is related to everyone else. The Arab conquests pretty much mixed up the pool well too.

But again, the best place to start is finding evidence for what you think you “know”.

Genetic testing is now only $99 at 23andMe but it is a hit and miss. If you can spare $99 it might be enlightening, but if you are tight on money then going through a commercial genealogy site like might be a better buy.

Most of what I know has come from starting with the work of others who have gone before me.