
John McCain Was Horribly Dissed by Trump. Now He's Supporting Trump.

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam6/05/2016 8:04:08 am PDT

re: #418 HappyWarrior

Exactly. Rules for thee but not for me I guess?

It’s also the reactionary complaint about “political correctness.” Chuck and his fellow travelers want to have carte blanch to say whatever they like, no matter how it offends people. And when people invariably object, they cry “Persecution! Oppression!”

It really gets under my skin, living in a country where there is no freedom of the press at all and where outspoken people really are persecuted and oppressed, including imprisonment and execution.

So fucking what if Chuckie has no Twitter access (supposedly)? So what if Facebook suspended him? He could learn from his bonehead mistakes and make sure it doesn’t happen again. He’s a got a blog. He’s got the WeSearchr scam. And he writes for rags like Takimag. His First Amendment rights are hardly being trampled.

If he tried his bullshit in China or Russia against the leaders or their cronies, he’d disappear quick.