
An Exceptional NPR Music Tiny Desk Concert: Gary Clark Jr. [VIDEO]

ipsos4/25/2019 12:20:48 pm PDT

Good news: between muting and snoozing, I’ve successfully been keeping my FB feed free of RWNJ memes and talking points from friends whose politics I don’t want to know about.

Bad news: my ENTIRE FREAKING FEED is now full of self-righteous fellow Democrats preaching about why their particular perfect candidate is the only acceptable choice and [Biden/Beto/Harris/Mayor Pete/Warren/Bernie] can’t possibly be the nominee or win.

Job 1 is getting Trump out of office no later than 1/20/2021.

There is no Job 2 until we accomplish Job 1.

And we only get Job 1 done if all the factions and ideologies and generations and localities find a way to hang together behind whatever imperfect candidate emerges and stop bashing each other to bits along the way. Yeah (bites tongue hard), even if that ends up being Bernie. (I actually would rank Tulsi lower than Bernie, but as long as she stays solidly at 0.0% in the polls, I don’t feel like I need to stay up at night worrying about that particular remote possibility.)