
Democrats Turn the Tables, As Expected

tradewind10/05/2009 11:54:35 am PDT

So backtracking in this article, it seems that Politico is giving the most quote space re ’ Republicans becoming the ones against America ’ not to Democrats, but actually relying heavily on opinion from , in their words,
’ two influential progressive spokesmen’…Markos Moulitsas, and Josh Marshall. Glenn Thrush quotes only one actual Democrat politician, and gives the weight of the article to Kos and TPM.

Two influential progressive spokesmen, Talking Points Memo founder Josh Marshall and Markos Moulitsas of Daily Kos, hit that theme hard last week, with Marshall musing, “I wonder if right-wingers would be less stoked if Chicago were part of America.” Moulitsas was more blunt. “So when did wingnuts start cheering against America? Their unbridled joy at losing out to Brazil is a bit unseemly, isn’t it?” he asked, adding: “America, f—- yeah!” has become “F—- America, Yeah!

Makes a lot more sense to me now. You would hardly expect them to say anything else.