
Alan Keyes Arrested at Notre Dame with Radical Anti-Abortion Activists

Fenway_Nation5/15/2009 10:06:25 pm PDT

re: #377 ShanghaiEd

I’m dead-set against the whole notion of same-sex marriage because two guys or two women getting married is not the same no matter how much warm-fuzzy talk about ‘equality’ comes up. I mean if we’re going to head down that avenue, might as well have states recognize bigamy or polygamy.

There’s also the left’s penchant for judicial theatrics. I figure it’s only a matter of time before a homosexual couple approaches a Catholic church, Mormon or Orthrodox Jewish Temple- somewhere they know is opposed to same-sex marriage- and ask that they have some sort of ceremony for their same-sex marriage. Then that church or temple is taken to court in some sort of discrimination suit when the clergy or rabbis refuse.

And truth be told, I found it very insulting when some activists began comparing same-sex couples who couldn’t marry to the Civil Rights protestors who had to face down the klan, fire hoses, police dogs and Bull Connor…

I never said anything about opposing civil unions.