
Klinghoffer Kind of Agrees: 'Darwinism is a Lie Sprung Straight from the Pit of Hell'

Gabriel Hanna6/22/2009 12:12:40 am PDT

The fight over Sotomayor is an excellent example. She is a moderate.

Moderates address La Raza all the time, do they?

Moderates think its okay to throw out a whole exam if black people don’t do as well on it as non-black people, because the exam is prima facie racist?

Maybe in Europe those are moderate positions. In America, moderates don’t think this way.

A moderate position on, say, affirmative action might be, if you have equally good candidates, choose the protected minority. I have often heard affirmative action described as though it DOES work this way.

But to say that an outcome in which minorities are over- or under-represented is racist on its face is a far from moderate position. It is common in academia.