
Ridiculous Right Wing Nontroversy of the Day

albusteve12/23/2009 2:17:01 pm PST

re: #420 Ericus58

What is the WH Holiday/Christmas Tree for?
I would think it much like most tree’s we all have: It’s a symbol of Celebration - Peace, Love, Joy and used as a gathering for giving.

Across many homes, and not just in this nation, it is recongized as a good symbol and brings happiness.
It should not be used as a prop for politics, pole-in-the-eye spite nor a place for hate to reside. There are more than enough places to showcase these issues that is more appropriate.

The WH tree represents all of us, and should reflect us all - there are soo many icons, pictures and other symbols that would show this. From “Peace on Earth, Goodwill to Men” to a school child’s decoration made for their mom.

For me, it’s that easy.
This one celebration, this moment of the year, can we not have goodness rather than … Mao?

no, the WH can do whatever it want’s and those of us that disagree are intellectually’s true