
Tea Party 'Hero' Arrested For Rape, Stolen Grenade Launcher Discovered

Walter L. Newton1/20/2010 7:59:28 pm PST

Whoa… Newsweek is not exactly a far right wing anti-agw publication, but they don’t have anything nice to say about Copenhagen… for a matter of fact, they call it a failure…

The verdict on Copenhagen is in: guilty of failure. Every serious study of commitments made at the environmental summit shows it will fall short of its goal to cut carbon emissions sharply enough to hold off a 2-degree-Celsius rise in global temperatures. After the conference, the United Nations Environment Program found that the world had locked in less than half of the greenhouse-gas reductions needed to provide a 50-50 chance of preventing the temperature increase by 2050. A second study by MIT, Ventana Systems, and the U.S.-based Sustainability Institute calculated that Copenhagen’s proposals will likely leave the world 3.9 degrees warmer by 2100. A third report from Germany’s Potsdam Institute found that even if every Copenhagen proposal is fully funded, average global temperatures will be 3.2 degrees higher by century’s end.