
Tancredo: Send Obama Back to Africa

Fat Bastard Vegetarian4/19/2010 11:55:29 am PDT

re: #389 Obdicut

That’s really not the point, Ace. I’m saying that it’s foolish of you to rail on him for his nuttiness, since it’s more of the same personality-politics that are screwing us up so badly in this nation. He has some very good ideas that get completely overlooked because it’s useful to the media— and to the powers-that-be in both parties— to portray Kucinich as simply kooky.

Unpopular thing to say warning!

President Obama, Gore, Beck, Clinton (both), Rush, W, Kucinich, Rahm all have the same problem. They’ve been cast in the “IF THEY SAID IT, IT MUST BE HORSESHIT!” category by different sides of the political spectrums.

It is a shame. Just like anybody… they say good and bad things. You have to look at each individually.

Just after a while, you have to dig a little deeper to pull the nuggets of wisdom out of the other nuggets.