
Reuters: Cropping of Photos Was 'Inadvertent'

Mad Prophet Ludwig6/07/2010 4:26:34 pm PDT

re: #396 Fozzie Bear

This recession isn’t even close to over. It’s going to take a second dip, imo, and it will hurt Obama.

We, as a nation, managed over the past 20-30 years to export our manufacturing economy and turn ourselves into a service industry circle jerk. Until policies are implemented to reverse that, the economy will remain stagnant. ‘Serving’ each other doesn’t produce net growth, it’s just an economic coping mechanism to slow the fall.

It’s going to take decades to undo that damage, and I don’t think anyone, Obama included, can fix it faster. I wish it weren’t so, but I think it to be the situation we are in.

I think this is well said.

Being anti-union simply mean that we shifted our manufacture to the developing world where we could exploit that labor instead. The people at the top got wealthy and the rest of the economy got built on a house of cards. Of course, that in my opinion is secondary to the moral damage done by exploiting people or the real environmental damage done by manufacturing elsewhere, where those pesky treehuggers had no influence.

This is one case where doing what was right in the short term was more profitable in the long run. However, we should care about doing what is right first. There is a reason why greed is counted a deadly sin. It actually is deadly.