
Just One More Rush Limbaugh Racist Rant

Wozza Matter?11/16/2010 5:01:43 pm PST

re: #416 Walter L. Newton

If I remember correctly, I think I listened live on the BBC, a week ago Monday, Cameron’s speech to Parliament handing over a shit load of government functions to private industry, with merit based contracts and payments, metrics and accomplishments to be posted on the internet, Business Advisory Groups… gee… sounds like Britain is realizing the advantages of a free market.

Funny how that works.

Funny how the unregulated free market buying and selling derivatives in the market place destabilised the world economy.

I heard that on CNBC.

Word to the wise - Cameron is only offloading to the private and voluntary sectors to slash the budget. Everything outsourced to them will (as always) be guaranteed by the government to the tune of billions.
Successive governments have been selling off the family silver and clusterfuck has ensued in many of the industried - particularly Rail.