
Got a Big Hamas Fish

Marvo761/15/2009 12:28:24 pm PST

re: #362 jcm

Microcosm of the costs of Gorebul Warming hysteria.

Truckers may have to replace rigs to meet Port of Seattle standards

Replacing all the trucks will raise cost a minuet amount for everyone who buys stuff that comes through the Port. However it’s a early harbinger of what’s to come. The light bulb mandate is already on the books. Wait till the home heating mandates come, the replace all cars before made before X date mandate comes along. We all be paying directly. When the Obama approved Cap and Trade goes into effect, coal is bankrupt, and energy cost go through the roof we’ll be paying even more.

Paying for something which we have little control over, cyclical climate change.

Let them try to shut down my wood stove, I wil fight them all the way to hell…