
Esquire: McCarthyism 2.0? The Right's Battle with ACORN

albusteve1/05/2010 8:41:59 pm PST

re: #415 austin_blue

Indeed it can. The attacks of 9/11 called for, internationally, an attack on Afghanistan to attempt to kill the perpetrators. Domestically, however, it called for an increase in intelligence and law enforcement. The military cannot stop terrorism domestically. It’s grunt cop and spook work.

Sadly, the fear of the populace accepted the invasion of Iraq, which had nothing to do with much of anything in 2001. Or 2003, for that matter. The result of that wildly misjudged adventure has handcuffed us both in Afghanistan and in dealing with Iran.

Nice legacy, eh?

most pre bush democrat leaders were pretty gung ho to depose Hussein