
Planned Parenthood Under Attack by Extremist Lila Rose

Killgore Trout2/07/2011 4:07:45 pm PST

I went out today an explored Portlandia’s legal marijuana scene. There’s a provision in the Oregon law that people with permits can designate a “caretaker” to grow their weed for them. I thought maybe I could use my green thumb to make a few bucks this summer. What I learned is that almost nobody is using the medical marijuana laws for actual illnesses the places that issue the cards are pretty obvious that they’ll give anybody a permit. The only way to legally sell weed is through clubs (we don;t have dispensaries) that run regular “farmer’s markets”. The biggest club is run by Norml. They seem nice enough although the place gave me the creeps.
The whole thing seems kinda silly. Portland cops don;t arrest anybody for weed anymore. The only thing to worry about is the Feds and if they’re going to raid somebody they going to go for the Norml club and the farmer’s market where they can nab a whole bunch of people and a whole bunch of weed in the same place. They aren’t going to bother with small individual growers. Or maybe the feds would just get the list of people with state issued permits and work their way down the list.
I’m still in favor of legalizing weed but the state legalization is pretty pointless.