
CPAC 2011, Day 2

dog philosopher ஐஒஔ௸2/11/2011 2:48:43 pm PST

re: #401 HappyWarrior

Has Cain been even so much as nominated anywhere let alone won anywhere?I love this though. RedState whom I am told likes Cain probably no doubt made some cracks about Obama being inexperienced a few years ago as a one term senator and dreaded community organizer but now Erikson and friends are pimping up Cain who’s never been elected anywhere. Nice logic dumbasses.

his “qualifications” derive from the wingnut presupposition that government should be run like a business

they never stop to think of how stupid this presumption is. for starters, i recall very vividly the day that a vice president of human resources said to me “a coporation is not a democracy”