
Todd Rundgren: "Deaf Ears," With Trent Reznor & Atticus Ross

mmmirele7/13/2017 10:52:20 am PDT

OK, I’ll be the first to say this is an extremely tough read, but I think it’s an important read. It’s from the English edition of La Civilta Cattolica, which is pretty much the voice of the Pope. Writings published here are scrutinized by the Vatican first.

Basically, the Vatican is expressing concern over “spiritual warfare,” “prosperity theology,” “reconstructionism (dominionism)” and fundamentalism. The writers give a very brief history of American fundamentalism. They also name-drop Rousas J. Rushdoony, who was the proponent of the “reconstructionism” mentioned above. (Rushdoony wanted to bring back Old Testament law, complete with capital punishment.) The writers walk a careful path between out ad out secularism and fundamentalism, wanting Christian/Catholic input in the modern world, rather than having a holy war or Holy Roman Empire mentality.

Like I said this is tough to read, but take it in small bites—I think the Pope is saying he’s not liking the current fundamentalist marriage to the state.